Below you will find questions and musings and further below you can find a place to answer them.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


How often do you think about electricity? Magnets? Light?

Energy itself?

What has scientific inquiry told us about energy?

Does that explain what it is?

Do you think we can know what something is by looking at it? By knowing what it does?

Is there an essence of a thing that runs deeper than the senses can reach?

Or is that just crazy Platonist talk?

What does the scientific paradigm offer to human experience?

Detachment in unfamiliar situations? Methods for developing responses and intuiting answers?

What does it remove from human experience?

Fear? Proximity?

Does it matter what the pros and cons are? Isn't this the world we live in now? Should we just go with the "civilized" way of looking at the world without weighing our options?

Is there more than one way to look at the world while maintaining honesty? Is that relativism, or something else?

Is there an advantage to looking at the world in different ways?

Is it dangerous?

What's energy?

A wave? A particle? A movement? Power? Life? God's breath?

Why is energy found everywhere?

Does that change anything?

Friday, June 17, 2011

Free Love

Do you believe a man can love a woman without a kiss, without sex, without a touch or even a long look?

Do you believe that consummating a relationship could mean nothing more than a smile?

What do you imagine in a relationship with "no strings attached?"

Do you believe in free love?

If so, what does that mean? Unbound? And if no boundaries, then where could it go? Anywhere? And do anything?

Does that make love an agent of chaos?

Or does love, even free love, have rules?

Would those "rules" be walls or speed-bumps?

Is there room for free love in a sensible world?

Do you believe the world is sensible?

Do you believe in sense?

Backing away from parasailing piranhas for the moment, do you believe love is a human construct? Or is it a shared human experience? Or is God love?

Does that stop you from wanting it? Do you want anything more?

Why, or why not?

Way back—with the freedom to love fully any and everyone you see, but unable to spend more than five minutes with that person, what do you do?

How would living that way change you?

Would you try it?